Thursday, May 26, 2016

5 Rsons why Smart are better than Laptops.

Hello friends,

I will like to discuss with you all today why i believe that your Smartphone is better than your pc.Listed below are five rsons why i think that Smart are better in mobile computing compare to a laptop.
PORTABILITY: Smart come in handy when it comes to been mobile with a gadget. ie. mobile in this sense mns movable from one place to the other. A smartphone can be carried about sily either in your purse or your pocket compare to the laptop. Thats why most people carries a smartphone where ever they go unlike their laptop.VOICE CALL:Voice calls are more silier on a smartphone unlike the laptops. To make voice calls on a laptop requires so many steps which an ordinary user might not be able to do this while on your smartphone might only take you like just 3 clicks.SOCIAL NETWORKING: Social Networking is more sier on a smartphone unlike a laptop. For example, you can sync your social networking apps in such a way that once any notifiion comes, it beeps or alerts you immediately so that you respond to it in no time. Since its also portable and rdily available, its more sier to connect with your family and friends in just a click.TEXT MESSAGING (E-mails): Electronic mails are more interesting on your smart because it sync them very quickly, allowing you to get your business/personal e-mails very fast and attend to them.MANY IN ONE: i classifies it as "many in one", you know why? because it can act as some many things. Can act as a Camera, a Music player, viewer, player, Portable , a Gps device, Pdf/ebook rder, Document crtor and many more.Even with all this advantages of a smartphone, they are some many tasks for which a laptop is better at.For example, how fast can you be in typing a document on your smartphone compare to your laptop? Multi-tasking are better on a laptop unlike the smartphone and many more.
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